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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Avoiding the Risks of Eavesdropping and types of It....

The risks of eavesdropping affect all Internet protocols, but are of particular concern on the World Wide Web, where sensitive documents and other kinds of information, such as credit card numbers, may be transmitted. There are only two ways to protect information from eavesdropping. The first is to assure that the information travels over a physically secure network (which the Internet is not). The second is to encrypt the information so that it can only be decrypted by the intended recipient.

One form of eavesdropping that is possible is traffic analysis. In this type of eavesdropping, an attacker learns about the transactions performed by a target, without actually learning the content. For example, the log files kept by Web servers are particularly vulnerable to this type of attack.

1 comment:

  1. as I said before, the internet law has absence against eavesdropping on the internet, so we should aware about type of eavesdropping then we can protect ourselves better.
