This weblog is created for the purposes of an MBA project for the subject BYL 7134, Cyberlaw. The materials posted on this weblog are for the purposes of the assignment as well as study and non-profit research. Appropriate acknowledgments to the materials that do not belong to the weblog owner have been publicly made. If you are the author or a copyright owner of any of the articles posted in this weblog and you object to such posting on any grounds, including copyright infringement, please contact me and I will take your material down. I state herein that I am relying on the doctrine of fair use. Thank you for supporting my blog.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Where is the law.....?????

Millions of Americans now log on to the Internet as naturally and as frequently as they pick up a phone. Technology has created a revolution in personal communications, but technology is also making it possible for government and even employers to monitor private conversations as never before. Telephone-era laws must be updated to address these new challenges to privacy." "It is probably not practical for agents to listen in on all the phone calls, for example, that go through AT&T. But new technology is making it possible for agencies like the F.B.I. to scan, read and record millions of pieces of e-mail on the network of an Internet service provider. Until now, this kind of power and its potential for abuse were not so readily available." "Until now, routine government surveillance of private conversations was limited as much by practicality as by legal constraints. Now that it is feasible to eavesdrop electronically on an unlimited scale, the laws have to be strengthened to prevent monitoring of all online communications simply because technology makes it easy.

1 comment:

  1. In today communication world, is so easy to use technology in a false manner, so some laws must be arranged to prevent these issue. In my opinion sometimes law is not powerful enough to prevent issues in technology,because the technology grows rapidly, so I think we must find some other technologies to protect ourselves from these threat.
